Repression of atheists by the religious right

The Economist Magazine reports this morning that the number of people who identify as Atheists in the United States population has grown five-fold in the last five years. They derived this information from a Gallup poll which reinforces a year-old Pew survey, the latest in a series of such polls taken over the years. Read on…

A passage from Homer’s Zoo

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”
–Epicurus Read on…

The Devil Walks Among Us

Laura approached the Duane house cautiously, like a burglar, trying to silence her footsteps on the hard, crunchy snow covering the concrete walkway. The house was small, with a shingled hip roof and rusty gutters that ran next to the porch and bounced against the wooden railing after each of Laura’s footsteps. She knocked twice and Mrs. Duane opened the door and ushered her into the foyer. Read on…

On The Seventh Day

It was seven forty-five in the neighborhood, in the Jackson household. It was also Sunday in the neighborhood, in the Jackson household. Witnesses were coming in fifteen minutes–at eight o’clock. Witnesses were coming for the neighborhood. Witnesses were coming for the Jackson household. Witnesses came every Sunday–no exceptions. The Jackson family sat around a card table. Shirley Jackson was a mother. Shirley Jackson was a woman. She cooked, cleaned and tended to her husband and children. She also worked part-time … Read on…