A Pair of Poems by Steven Sloan

Characters Of Lead Some people, to be politic, Keep heavy words inside their head. But, the full weight of such a word Won’t dissipate when it’s not said. Too, the lighter words they pick Will seem as though they each have shed Their meaning, since they will be heard To name the famished as well-fed, Or call dead-soil a flowering bed, Instead of what all plainly see. So, don’t set light lies in truth’s stead As there’s a cost you … Read on…


Nothing exists outside of me For all the world’s my fantasy — Thus, “reality” is but a lark In which I’ve set my fancy free To fill this void & endless dark With worlds that have no words for cark, Or care, or woe, or misery. And yet, at times, these dreams turn sour, Commuting with nightmarish power To stain themselves most bloodily . . . Which sets this stalwart soul to cower — Though what else could these visions … Read on…

Two More Poems by Steven M. Sloan

Enigma A flash of lightning In the darkest night May seem like nothing More than vivid light, For this frequent sight To some may seem trite; But over water Such flashes of light Fill me with ardor To free fancy’s might In symbolic flight — The better to spite Those narrow of mind, Whose thoughts are too tight And heavily rimed To be recondite At the common sight Of black lakes and light. To me, a white flash Reveals the … Read on…

Two Poems by Steven M. Sloan

Sour To My Taste When lingering over my past’s cup Of deep draughts to partake, The quaffing of old sorrows Brought changes with self-hate. But, “what ifs” and “might have beens,” Life’s pities and mistakes, Are for some a pleasant world To view and contemplate. Such believe there’s no free-will: Man as tool of fate – A conceit designed to quell their souls’ Anguish and heartache. Hence, “what ifs” and “might have beens,” The pities and mistakes, Become for them … Read on…

My Cosmology

. .. . . . . It’s time I sat down and faced the big questions: Genesis of the universe, Origin of Life, and the Limits of the sky. All this before breakfast! Most folk have an answer: God. It doesn’t really work for me. I think what IS was brought about by accident. The materials of the stars and planets are really unsolid, They are composed of energy. That includes us. One thing about energy is that is restless. … Read on…