Marvin’s question about Agnosticism


A gentleman named Marvin used our contact form to ask a question that should have been answered before he could ask it. His actual question is as follows: Hi. Do I have to be an atheist to submit my works here? I am actually an agnostic but I sometimes wonder and speculate the non-existence of God. Somehow, I am an adherent of atheistic existentialism by Nietzche. As the fellow that should have arranged to answer this question in advance, I … Read on…

Vengeance is mine saith the Lord!

Once again, I have been reminded of the incredible vanity and violent nature of that old white-haired Christian mirage in the sky, seeing two churches (one Lutheran, one generic Christian) in one day displaying the message “Never Forget” on their outdoor message boards. The reference, of course, is to 9/11, that action spurred by a false Arab god (as identified by the Christian false god) which resulted in so many deaths in New York City. No decent person is happy … Read on…

Focus on the church, not the religion

It is only fair, when considering the many ill effects of organized religion, to also consider the many positive aspects of the individual church. An organized religion is a highly political body led by primarily nameless, faceless group controllers with a REALLY big agenda; it’s just that most of us don’t pay a lot of attention, at least directly, to the leadership. Most people just listen to their one or two local union representatives, or perhaps marketing middle managers would … Read on…

If a horror happens in the forest…

When I posted last, it was about the first inkling that I had that the common god was not for me, an artifact of the supposition that god was both all-powerful and good, and the obvious illogic of those suppositions in actual practice. That is to say, the god with which I was being presented in church was clearly not a force that was operating in the real world. What struck me as I analyzed this again was how much … Read on…

The Seeds of Disbelief

Having recently started thinking about faith again, I find myself remembering what seems like another life (or another person’s life) long ago, in which I was generally undecided in the matter of religious belief. I was a pre-teen, drawn to a local Southern Baptist church by the spectacle and the fellowship. And, if truth be known, by the enthusiastic singing and the excellent box lunches. I had thought, then, of becoming a pastor, perhaps in the same way that many … Read on…

Just a short note…

You may have noticed that we have been gone for a while. We may continue to be gone, in fact. However, there may yet be a vacancy or two at this unbeliever’s inn, odd since my person is now just a few miles away from Bethlehem, PA. A coincidence? Absolutely. 🙂 Life has been more than interesting for the last several years, and during that time this writer has remade himself yet again. There has simply been no time for … Read on…

Ground Rules For The Eloquent Atheist

We have had a few comments over the last few days from Jonathan Blake regarding the Mormon series that we ran recently, in four parts. More than anything else, that series was a light-hearted reminiscence about a non-Mormon growing up in Mormon territory. It is probably the most even-handed, friendly, and good-natured handling of the Mormon religion that you are ever going to see on an Atheist site. Mr. Blake, however, insists upon arguing about a few points of religious … Read on…