The Prison of Moral Judgements

The majority of people live immersed in a world of moral judgments. They like talking about other people expressing an explicit or implicit judgment of them. “This man is good.” “That man I don’t trust.” “She is really hiding something.” “It is good – or bad – to be a cynic.” “She acted unprofessionally.” Read on…

Praying to God

Believers in God can be classified into four major groups. There are those who believe that God must be infinitely powerful and infinitely benevolent. There are those who believe that although God is, no doubt, infinitely benevolent, He or She is not infinitely powerful, a fact they regret. Then there are others who believe that God has not been infinitely benevolent in some occasions but has always remained all-powerful. These believers are somewhat resentful of God. And finally, there are others who believe that God is a bit mean and not that powerful. Some among them believe that God must be very much like the average man or woman in these respects. Read on…

Religion Bashing- Religulous

I watched most of the documentary Religulous last night. The show was made by Bill Maher, usually one of my favorite societal commentators. This time, however, he came in way wide of the mark. Instead of being clever and inventive, he just came across as a bully, seeking out weak people and beating them up. It was hardly worthy of him. Read on…

Thank You Tolstoy

In August of 2009, I moved to Morocco for a job teaching English Comp at a university. This university claims to be a based on the “liberal arts” model of the American University system. And although it is indeed a “liberal” university by Moroccan standards, Morocco is still a predominantly Muslim country, so one should take this perceived “liberalness” with a grain of salt (or perhaps sand). Read on…