The Swerve, a book review

Stephen Greenblatt’s THE SWERVE, How the World Became Modern, tells an important story and has won the National Book Award for non-fiction and a Pulitzer. The story is of particular interest and importance to atheists and secular humanists because it validates us as main-stream, primary players in the flow of Western Civilization and casts the Abrahamic religions as the major bump on the long road to modernity. Read on…

Historical Humanists- Bagehot, Walter

Great and terrible systems of divinity and philosophy lie round about us, which, if true, might drive a wise man mad.”

“So long as there are earnest believers in the world, they will always wish to punish opinions, even if their judgment tells them it unwise, and their conscience it is wrong.”

— Walter Bagehot Read on…

History: Science, Religion and Atheism

Throughout history science has come up with new theories and supported it with conclusive evidences. When people believed that the earth was flat and the earth was the centre of the universe, science disagreed, with evidence, but the general public were too scared to support those ideas, as the power of religion was greater then. Read on…

Pascal’s wager against Theists

A lot of theists talk about Pascal’s wager, “if you (atheists) are wrong you will suffer for all eternity, but if we (theists) are wrong we would have lost nothing.”

This is an example how illogical your thinking is. You are so obsessed with god that you can’t even think straight when it comes to religious matters. Read on…