Would You Believe It?

All religions are sets of beliefs, none of which can be proved scientifically; they all require a degree of faith.

So, when you think about it, atheism is just another belief system based on the current best scientific evidence available.

Religions are often subjected to changes depending on the latest interpretation of the basic scripts, Bible or Koran, etc. Read on…

The Extended Family #2

Like any parent God created us To do the things he can’t himself. Can God wonder? Can God be surprised? Can God be given anything? In his image, yes. But looks can be deceiving. Can God wish? Can God fear? Can God dream? Can God forget? No wonder he is a jealous god. No wonder he flings down his commandments. No wonder he arranges all these coincidences, then snaps “I told you so”. No wonder he formulates the theory That … Read on…

Gravity, the god-gene, and Grace

My welfare in mind, Grace declares that coffee today at The Compass Café is out. She hands me Steven Hawking’s The Universe In A Nutshell, then quietly leaves the bedroom. Ten to the power of 36 is big. Just how big I cannot fathom under normal circumstances, let alone when in the grip of the flu. The same goes for a thousand light years across the spindrift of the cosmos. I sink into reverie. When the effects of medication wear … Read on…