Just a short note…

You may have noticed that we have been gone for a while. We may continue to be gone, in fact. However, there may yet be a vacancy or two at this unbeliever’s inn, odd since my person is now just a few miles away from Bethlehem, PA. A coincidence? Absolutely. 🙂 Life has been more than interesting for the last several years, and during that time this writer has remade himself yet again. There has simply been no time for … Read on…

Ground Rules For The Eloquent Atheist

We have had a few comments over the last few days from Jonathan Blake regarding the Mormon series that we ran recently, in four parts. More than anything else, that series was a light-hearted reminiscence about a non-Mormon growing up in Mormon territory. It is probably the most even-handed, friendly, and good-natured handling of the Mormon religion that you are ever going to see on an Atheist site. Mr. Blake, however, insists upon arguing about a few points of religious … Read on…