About Fred Mittag

I am a retired high school history teacher from Houston. I have lived in Mexico for the last seven years and recently bought a home on Lake Chapala, near Guadalajara. Our large retirement community calls this setting and climate "paradise." My main interests are music, reading, and politics. I sometimes contribute articles to an English language magazine in this area called El Ojo del Lago, or "The Eye of the Lake."

“Atheists Lose Ground”

The Economist has printed a disturbing article about the growing respectability of Evangelism in the United States. “The Bond Between God And Power” discusses religious encroachment in three areas: government, business, and education. President Bush has his White House prayer circle and we may assume his “Higher Father” has sent him on a Holy Crusade in Iraq. God has become the “Businessman’s Partner” in some companies, and a Texas law now has thousands of pupils reciting a new pledge to … Read on…