About Brandi Hurlburt

Brandi Hurlburt lives with her two young sons in Vermont. She is another human making ends meet as a factory worker while attending school full time studying writing and literature. While she doesn’t have faith in any deities, she does have faith in truth and knowledge. She believes that by seeking truth and knowledge, she will change the world with her writing, hopefully before she is 30, but definitely before she dies.

Dear Lovely Death

Dear lovely death That taketh all things under wing- Never to kill- Only to change Into some other thing This suffering flesh, To make it either more or less, Yet not again the same- Dear lovely death, Change is thy other name. -Langston Hughes I have been coping with dying for as long as I can remember. I am not terminally ill, I am not sick; I’ve had no psychic vision of my own demise. I have struggled with fear … Read on…