Alienation and Outreach

By the rivers of Babylon—there we sat down. We also wept when we remembered Zion. Upon the poplar trees in the midst of her, we hung up our harps. For there those holding us captive asked us for the words of a song, And those mocking us—for rejoicing. “Sing for us one of the songs of Zion.” How can we sing the song of Jehovah upon foreign ground? — Psalm 137 Many Evangelicals I’ve met tend to embrace Psalm 137 … Read on…

Mission Dolores Part I (of four)

At Mission Delores, San Francisco: Religious Romance & Genocide I – The Chapel, An Odyssey The soured wood of the church doors flavors the air. Stone tile cools my knees. I unzip my forest green backpack and remove a notepad wedged between books and my rolled-up windbreaker. On the dusky burgundy squares, my pack is a lump disrupting the floor’s diamond pattern.            Until minutes ago, I was weighed down by that pack, searching for Dolores and Sixteenth streets-the location of … Read on…