About Mike Hood

Mike Hood is a recovering journalist who makes up weird stuff for a living. He lives in Texas with four dogs, a cat, two gay squirrels and a wife who is very tolerant. His fiction has appeared online at Every Day Fiction, Drabblecast, Hecale and other sites. He has written two non-fiction books and one really bad novel.

Dear Pathetic Bob

Dear Pathetic Bob, I am filled with despair. I can make no sense of all the trouble and tragedy going on in the world. Life seems meaningless. To gain some hope and understanding, I am considering joining a religion. Can you suggest a religion that would help me? Sincerely, Desperately Seeking Sense Dear Desperately, You know, I’m supposed to be an advice columnist. So, I don’t mind that much when people write and complain about how their boyfriend or girlfriend … Read on…

A Funny Thing Happened

Jesus, Buddha, Yahweh (aka Allah), the Pope, Zeus, Odin, and Mohammed walk into a bar…. You don’t hear too many jokes that begin this way.  Religious icons have been fodder for humorists and novelists for centuries, though much of the mockery has stayed underground until the 20th century. Good-natured (and bad-natured) humor directed at gods and their prophets could, and often did, result in slow death. A single death was usually sufficient to slow down the person so bold as … Read on…

Candide Gets A Puppy

Eight years had passed since Voltaire abandoned Candide, his wife, the once-lovely Miss Cunégonde, and their companions on a small farm not too distant from Constantinople to “cultivate the garden.” Miss Cunégonde had grown less attractive in countenance and temperament, and Dr. Pangloss, as hard as he tried, could not free himself of the philosophical pursuit of the nature of good and evil and the best of all possible worlds. Old Martin, the philosophical Mr. Hyde to Pangloss’ Dr. Jekyll, … Read on…