Five Poems

An Argument for Theism

And where did it all come from,
Can you answer me that?
The distant heavens are too dark
To bear any equation, the universe
Is a signature, things come into being,
Things change, we see them created
And creating, so creation abounds
And this world then is a masterpiece of sorts:
We must search for the one
Who carved a signature into the horizon.
An Argument for Monotheism

Let us simplify our Gods,
Worship only one force divine,
Easier to follow a unitary set
Of omnipotent demands, and
To do away with insincerity;
Hypocrisy is nothing more
Than half eyed obedience
To many idols at once.
An Argument for Polytheism

If one God made all things,
What a terrible God it would be!
To call him good makes no sense
If so much suffering is reflected
In the mirror of his creation, and
One God making so many different things
That all run against one another
Like the shore and the sea,
Makes no sense, I simply
Cannot intuit this truth and overcome
The inconsistencies
So I call after multiple Gods,
Pray to a pantheon, and hope
Something gets through.
An Argument for Dystheism

It’s easy, look around you,
What God would have need
Of this child’s life, this infant’s health;
He is all powerful and has what he needs.
Only if it were in his pleasure
To always choose the evil
Simply to remind us of his freedom
And our slavery, would this world
Make any sense and our suffering be deserved.
An Argument for Atheism

I do not find much difference
Awaiting us at the ends of these roads,
One God or Many, Good or Evil,
Still we must live on our own,
Still we must face death.
Prayer never sways the all-powerful,
The all-good cannot be condemned,
And if God is evil, there’s nothing new,
Just a way to bear our pain
At the edge of a divine blade.
Believe in nothing but hope for much,
What comes to you will come,
The good things are easy enough to get,
Take them and hold them dear,
We’ve too little time to spend it in fear.

About Benjamin Nardolilli

Benjamin Nardolilli is twenty two years old and currently attending New York University, where he studies creative writing, history, and philosophy. He is originally from Arlington, VA. His work has appeared in Perigee, Thieves’ Jargon, Farmhouse Magazine, The Houston Literary Review and Perspectives Magazine. He maintains a blog at


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